Servings Approximately: Original Recipe Yield 12 pints

Prep Time: 1 Hr 15 Min

Cook Time: 45 Min

Ready In: 2 Hrs



24 large green tomatoes

3 red bell peppers, halved and seeded

3 green bell peppers, halved and seeded

12 large onions

3 tablespoons celery seed

3 tablespoons mustard seed

1 tablespoon salt

5 cups maple syrup

2 cups lemon juice

 Green Tomato Relish


  1. On a food processor or grinder, coarsely grind the green pepper, red bell peppers, onions, and tomatoes (grind them in batches). Line a colander with cheesecloth, preferably a large strainer then place it on large bowl or sink. Pour the prepared tomato mixture to drain for at least 1 hour.
  2. In a large (non-aluminum) stockpot, combine the celery seed, tomato mixture, salt, mustard seed, lemon juice, and maple syrup . Bring it to a boil and then simmer for 5 minutes more over low heat while stirring frequently.
  3. Sterilize the jars for the relish, and sealed tight with no air pockets or spaces. It is better to use a screw on lids, and the sterilized jars filled with relish all the way to the top. For the prepared relish, you will need 6 one quart or 12 one pint jars.
  4. On a large stockpot, place a rack at the bottom and fill halfway with recently boiled water. Carefully, lower the jars into the pot but make sure that there is a 2 inch space between each jar. Once all inside, pour the water, until the tops of the jars covered by at least 2 inches of boiling water. Boil the water fully, cover, and then process for maybe 30 minutes.
  5. Remove the jars and place on a wood or cloth covered surface, make sure they are several inches apart, and then let the jars cool. Once cool, press each lids with a finger just to check if the jars sealed tightly. The lids tightly sealed if they do not move up or down when pressed hard. The pack relish is good for a year.


Nutritional significance: Green Tomato Relish contain high amounts of vitamin C. Vitamin C is vital to our health because our bodies need it to help support our immune system and keep our skin, muscles, tissues, nails, and hair healthy. The vitamin C  in tomatoes also help prevent and treat colds and flues. Green tomatoes also contain beta carotene. Beta carotene is important because it helps keep our eyes healthy and helps prevent cancer.