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Dangers of Clenbuterol



Not all weight loss aids are created equal. But most of them advertise themselves as being the superior choice for weight loss. Lasting weight loss can not be achieved through a quick fix that many of these products promise. The human body just does not work that way. Many of these products also contain substances that can be dangerous, especially through the continued use of them.


Clenbuterol is a substance that is now used as a weight reducing agent in may weight loss products. Clenbuterol was actually developed for use in horses to treat respiratory disorders. On rare occasions doctors have prescribed this substance to humans to treat severe respiratory disorders, but for the most part, Clenbuterol is still not recommended for widespread use among humans because of the many dangers this substance presents.


Clenbuterol stimulates the metabolism and also increases the production of energizing hormones such as adrenaline and endorphins in the body. This does result in the burning of stored fat and a substantial increase in the energy one feels, which is why it has become popular among dieters. However, the rate at which Clenbuterol stimulates the metabolism into burning fat and the higher rate of energizing hormones in the body are not without dangers. Clenbuterol causes such an increase in the metabolic rate that it can overwhelm and even damage the functioning of your metabolism to the point that it can no longer work properly. Your metabolism delivers energy to the systems of your body and if it can not do this, body systems fail. This can cause permanent damage to the body’s systems and can even result in death.


Energizing hormones cause your heart to work harder to compensate for the flood of these hormones through the body. Clenbuterol can cause such an increase in these energizing hormones that the heart can become overtaxed resulting in heart distress and heart failure. There is no dispute that energizing hormones feel terrific. Who among us does not like to feel as if we could climb a mountain without becoming out of breath? Or to feel as if we have the energy to not only take care of our responsibilities but to have energy to spare for fun? I am confident that not many of us would turn down feeling more energetic throughout the day, but there are much safer ways to increase energizing hormones in the body, such as through exercise, that do not raise these hormones to such dangerous levels.


Lean muscle tissue, the stuff that powers your muscles is also at risk of being lost through the continued use of Clenbuterol. This results in less of the strong muscles you need to power activities such as lifting, standing, bending, and walking. Weakened body muscles are less able to protect your bones and joints from injuries. When you lose lean muscle tissue, your body becomes weaker in other ways too as your body must find other resources to fuel itself.


Anyone who says that losing weight is easy is flat out lying. A product such as Clenbuterol can be very tempting to someone looking for an easy way to lose weight, but truthfully, the losing of excess weight is a process that takes time if you really want to lose it. The quick fix to weight loss that many of these products promise is a nightmarish trap of weight losses and weight gains which carries health risks in and of itself. Research the ingredients in any weight loss product thoroughly before deciding to use them. Some weight loss aids can be safe and helpful for weight loss when used for short periods, but you should know what you are putting into your body and the dangers that many of the ingredients used in the products contain.


A healthy diet, nutritional supplements, and exercise are by far the best, safest, and most effective methods for weight loss.







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