2lbs Beef Ribs

Sea Salt and Fresh Black Pepper

Coconut oil (or some other saturated fat)

1/2 white onion (sliced into rings)

1 cup white wine

1 tbsp yellow mustard

3 Medjool dates (diced) 

Ovenproof skillet


Heat a large oven proof skillet over medium-high heat.

Coat your ribs with coconut oil and when the skillet is hot, place the ribs fatty-side (the “top”) down in the pan.

Season the underside of the ribs generously with sea salt and black pepper.

Preheat your oven to 300 degrees while you let the ribs sizzle for ~5-7min.

Turn the ribs over and season the browned side with salt and pepper.

Remove the ribs from the pan and add sliced onions. Set the ribs on top of the sliced onions and place the entire pan in the oven.

After one hour, carefully remove the pan from the oven (use mitts!) and set the meat aside.

Allow the meat to rest for at least 5 full minutes before carving.

The meat will be medium-rare and perhaps a touch bloody in the center.

If this scares you, there are some chicken recipes on the Caveman Cuisine page

While the meat rests, you may want to try creating a sauce from the pan drippings.

Put the pan over a burner at medium heat.

Remove the onions and add white wine.

Using a wooden spoon, scrape up all the brown bits.

Add mustard, black pepper, and chopped dates.

Bring the sauce up to a high simmer while continuing to stir.

Add the onions back in. If the sauce becomes too thick, add a small amount of water, or even better beef stock.

Carve the ribs by slicing parallel to and between the bones with a sharp heavy knife.

Serve with plenty of napkins!