The Dura Disk Personal Trainer, Personal Training Arizona, Phoenix, Scottsdale Scott White. Hire a Certified personal Trainer Scott White
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The Dura Disk
Many of us have bad posture, especially if our job requires us to sit at a desk or in front of computer all day long. People whose work requires them to sit for long periods of time report suffering from lower back pain, headaches, and neck and shoulder pain more often than people whose work permits them to be up and moving about frequently during the day. If your jobs requires you to be sitting all day then you might want to consider purchasing the Dura Disc. The Dura Disc is a posture perfect tool that is not an overly obvious piece of equipment. Its size makes it easily transportable for use at home, the office, and away on business or personal trips.
The Dura Disc works in most any kind of home and office chair, and can be placed on a stool for use as well. The Dura Disc correctly aligns your posture, relieving the stress on your spine and neck, shoulder, and back muscles caused by improper posture while sitting. The Dura Disk encourages and supports an upright, straight posture while sitting, and with regular use, your overall posture will improve for good posture whether you are sitting, standing, or walking.
The Dura Disk also helps to strengthen the muscles that the body uses to maintain balance when standing or moving. Many of the muscles that the body uses to keep us upright and balanced while standing, are the same muscles the body uses to provide us with the mobility to walk, jog, or run. Strengthening these muscles and improving posture enables us to engage in these activities more often and with less strains and injuries to muscles. Older folks can use the Dura Disc to strengthen their balance and mobility muscles and reduce the risks of falling due to weaker muscles and an unsteady balance.
Sitting passively for long periods of time can cause several health and serious medical issues. Sitting with your legs immobile allows blood to pool in the legs because gravity slows the recirculation of blood upwards and back to the heart. This opens the door for the forming of blood clots in leg veins, which can then break free and travel to the lungs, heart, or brain. This can cause strokes, heart attacks, and death. You can reduce the likelihood of forming blood clots in your legs by moving your feet and legs often and even propping your feet up while you sit. The Dura Disc helps you to swivel from side to side which moves the legs and gets blood circulating at a healthy rate.
Emotional stress and boredom often builds with prolonged passive sitting and the Dura Disc can be used to put some motion into your sitting to relieve emotional stress and boredom even as you work. Muscles also become tight and tense when they are immobile for long periods, and certainly just sitting burns practically no calories. With the Dura Disc you can exercise your muscles, relieving the tension that has built up in them and burn calories while typing up a report on your computer or while watching TV or sorting through mail. There are a number of exercises that you can do with the Dura Disc to get a mini workout with many health and fitness benefits during your workday or even at home while watching the evening news. The Strong and Stable, Swiss Ball Weight Training series of videos, presents many of the exercises appropriate for performing with the Dura Disc, if you would like to learn more about how to use the Dura Disc for better fitness and health.
The Dura Disc is a posture perfect tool and so much more. Use it at home, the office, or take it with you when you travel. Its size makes it easy to transport. The Dura Disc works in most any kind of chair or stool and it is not such an obvious piece of equipment. Most people will probably not even notice you are sitting on the Dura Disc, unless you tell them because they ask what you are doing to look so great, glowing, and relaxed at the office.
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