When it comes to fitness modeling, most people think it’s simply a matter of being in shape.  If you’ve got muscles, you can be a fitness model.  The fact is a fitness modeling career involves more than being in shape.  It requires a knowledge of posing techniques, as well as hard work, dedication, and more.




Of course, while the body is not the only aspect of fitness modeling, without an exceptionally fine tuned body, you won’t get anywhere in the industry.  The fitness model’s physique must be in perfect proportion and well defined.  This will require a dedication that not many have and will involve many hours working out in the gym, as well as following a strict, but healthy diet.


Knowing your look and studying it is also a factor in being a fitness model.  A fitness model should spend time in front of the mirror to study their look.  They should know what their face looks like when making a certain expression or feeling a certain emotion.  While the body may be the main focus of many shots, the wrong facial expression can ruin a shot. 


The mirror should also be the place where the fitness model practices her poses.  Knowing all of the required bodybuilding poses is a definite plus in the business and they should be able to do these poses without any explanation needed.  The fitness model should practice their posing techniques daily, as well as take the time to learn and practice new techniques.


Another important factor in becoming a successful fitness model is to know the lingo of the trade.  When your are asked to do show up to a open call and to bring your camp card, if you don’t know what this means, you are not going to get the job for this photo shoot.  Anybody interested in becoming a fitness model should study the modeling industry’s lingo to make sure they are aware of what is being asked of them and they will be prepared to go to any casting. 




If one has not had any modeling training, they should sign up to attend classes at a modeling school.  This may give them an advantage over others that have not.  A modeling school can teach an individual how to walk, as well as how to dress and pose.  However, before enrolling in any modeling school be sure the school is affiliated with an agency that has a great reputation.  You will also want to check with the Better Business Bureau to see if they have had any complaints against them.


When an individual is pursuing a career in fitness modeling, it is very important they find an agency to represent them.  Again, they will want to do thorough research before signing with any agency.  Find out if they deal with fitness modeling regularly and if possible, try to get represented by an agency that has done previous work with well-known fitness models.


Perhaps the most important factor in determining one’s success in the fitness modeling industry is the dedication.  When setting out to begin a career in fitness modeling, an individual must not give up for any reason, especially an emotional one.  The fact is the successful fitness model will be turned down for jobs, regardless of how in shape they are.  It simply may be a fact they don’t fit the part the client is going for.  Developing a thick skin is necessary in the world of fitness modeling.


The fact is there is no one secret to becoming a fitness model.  There are many factors that will influence how well one does.  However, by committing oneself to hard work and fully educating themselves in the industry, one will stand a much better chance of becoming a successful fitness model.