Supermodel Tyra Banks what happend? Too much junk food? Too much late night partying? Not enough exercise? It is disappointing to see someone as stunning as Tyra, with such a fantastic figure lack the responsiblity to take charge of her health and slowly destroy her body by consuming junk food. I don’t know for sure what Tyra’s been doing or not doing for that matter, but it is apparent that Tyra has put on a few pounds. If Tyra has a serious health problem then I can understand why the supermodel may be gaining fat so quickly, if not then poor eating habits and lack of exercise are surely the culprits. Rumor has it that even Tyra’s new network the CW has asked Tyra to shed a few pounds.
Tyra though I hate to point the finger at you, you have a name and a reputation to uphold. How can you honestly tell other “top models” to lose weight because they are too fat, when you should be the next contestent on Celebrity Fit Camp. I am not a huge fan of the show, due to the lack of education and recommendations that are being said on the show, but they do an amazing job motivating and changing celebrities life for the better. I would just like to see more effective methods for training and nutrition.
Celebrities are put on the spot, but that what makes them celebrities. They don’t call them “stars” for no reason. So Tyra if you didn’t want me to express how you need to take some serious responsibility for your health and hire a celebrity personal trainer, chef, nutritionist, and/or natural medical doctor to get down to the bottom to shedding all that flab from your body then perhaps you should reconsider a career in front of the camera.
As a celebrity supermodel, as the spokesperson for America’s Next Top Model, and a talk show host, repsect yourself and your health. Stop eating crap and start exercising, or doing whatever it takes so you may show future models, it is unacceptable to let yourself go and become unhealthy. As much as I hate celebrities giving advice on subjects that they are not experts in, unfortunately American’s come to you for advice and not the real professionals. So be a good role model, not just a mouthpiece.
Please Tyra, help stop the obesity, stop the fat, stop setting a bad example. If you’re going to be considered a top supermodel, then don’t use the excuse that you already have a name and celebrity status and all the have to do is airbrush your photos. Get your ass to the gym, hire a celebrity personal trainer, hire someone that will get your amazing body back, so you may be real with your fans and yourself and not hide behind fancy air brushing techniques. Truly be that beautiful person we all know you are on the inside and outside becuse you owe it to yourself.
Respect your mind and Body with Love: Exercise, Healthy Eating, and Positive Thinking.
Scott White
Celebrity Personal Trainer,
PS Would be happy to help.
this is bullshit. tyra is not a model first – she has taken on a much more executive role in her career and has earned the right to live her life in a more satisfying way – i.e. not starving, purging, or coking herself to death. ever think of the fact that perhaps not every model needs to be stick thin? perhaps that’s a stretch for your narrow hollywood mind