One of the simplest but important tips advertised by most cancer research institutes all over the world is ‘to eat more vegetables and fruits as part of your daily diet’. We all know that vegetables are the store house for most of the vital nutrients and minerals required by the human body. But, interestingly enough, most of us don’t pay much attention when it comes to including vegetables regularly in one’s diet program. No wonder, certain ailments which are not even known in many parts of the Mediterranean, Asia, Russia, and Africa are present in certain parts of North America. Medical experts attribute this unique trend to nothing but a wrongly conceived diet program, which lacks or is devoid of vegetables and fruits, followed by most people in America. There is only one panacea to this situation – consume more vegetables as part of your daily diet. And when it comes to implementing the same, there is no better choice than turning to juicing raw vegetables and having it fresh daily.
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Why juicing vegetables is so important to your health? Well, it is due to a variety of reasons. Firstly, the human body needs lots of raw food every day. In that regard, juicing vegetables is the single best method to make sure that you are receiving the required raw food in one go. Remember, raw food does not taste as great, if to eat it by chewing, and hence most of us will be reluctant to eat more vegetables if given a chance.
Next, vegetable juicing does not add to the insulin levels like fruit juicing. With the exception of carrots and beet juice, vegetable juicing is superior to fruit juicing in that respect. Carrots and beet juice behave much like fruits and hence forms a separate category as far as insulin levels are concerned.
Finally, another factor that supports vegetable juicing is the degree of absorption of nutrients that happens in the intestine. Most of us have highly compromised intestines, thanks to years on end of unhealthy or imbalanced food habits. Such an intestine always fails to absorb all of the relevant nutrients during digestion. But vegetable juicing eases the burden on the intestine and is digested and absorbed more quickly and efficiently than the average solid food.
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Before ending the article, here are a few more tips on vegetable juicing. While juicing vegetables, always mix the pulp in the juice and eat it while drinking since it is rich in fiber, a vital component that enhances bowel movement and a known fertilizer for good bacteria in the colon. Also, always make it a point to consume vegetable juices freshly made. Keeping or storing it for long could actually affect its nutritional quotient in a negative way. In case, if you are left with no other choice, but to keep some amount of vegetable juice under refrigeration for few hours more, keep it in an air tight vessel, preferably opaque, with the juice filled up to the brim of the container such that there is no room for air to settle in. Remember, it is the oxidation of the food materials by air and light that is responsible for the perishing of juice products. Filling the container up to its brim and using an opaque material eliminates both the chances considerably.
Tail Piece: While juicing vegetables, it would be prudent to rotate the vegetables daily. Continuously juicing the same vegetables could actually make one allergic to them over a period of time.
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