• 2 lb grass-fed ground beef
  • 1 red onion, roughly chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1/2 cup green olives with pimentos
  • 1 jalapeno, seeded and roughly chopped
  • 1/4 cup flat-leaf Italian parsley, tough stems removed
  • 1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
  • 1 egg, slightly beaten, plus 6 more for topping
  • 12 slices of bacon
  • guacamole
  • salsa
  • mixed salad greens


Preheat grill to medium high.

Place onion, garlic, olives, jalapeno, and parsley in food processor and pulse until finely chopped but not pureed.

In a large bowl, add beef, onion mixture, red pepper flakes, and egg. Use your hands to thoroughly combine.

Form mixture into 6 patties.

Wrap one slice of bacon around a burger, overlapping ends about 1 inch. Trim excess bacon and reserve for another use. Take a second slice of bacon and wrap in the opposite direction, forming a cross shape. Repeat with remaining burgers.

Grill for 4-5 minutes on each side, or until bacon is cooked through.

While burgers are cooking, fry or poach eggs.

To serve, place mixed greens on each plate. Top with burger, egg, guacamole, and salsa.