Piriformis syndrome

Piriformis Syndrome is a misunderstood condition that’s usually misdiagnosed as lower back pain or sciatica. It’s an irritation of nerve and/or muscle tissue because of overpronation of your foot or weakness of your hip/pelvic stabilizers that then permits for excessive leg and thigh internal rotation. This repetitive, excessive motion results in overuse of the muscles below your gluteal muscles inflicting a dull, deep, aching pain in your lower back, hips, glutes and typically the hamstring when running.




Common Symptoms

• referred pain primarily to the sacroiliac region (the joint where the sacrum and large pelvic bone join), over the buttock, and down the back of the thigh

• in cases of nerve compression, the pain could extend down all the way to the calf and bottom of the foot, the skeletal muscle muscles may atrophy, the foot is also numb and exhausting to run on, and there is also swelling in the leg

• pain is worse with sitting and activity

• entrapment of the pudendal nerve might cause impotence in males and pain with intercourse in females, and pain in the groin or space ahead of the anus.

• you may squirm lots and shift positions attempting to get comfortable, and have problem crossing one leg over the opposite knee while seated

• when birth face-up, your foot can rotate out to the side, instead of being in straight alignment.

Trigger Point Therapy:

Just follow Written Instructions………..

 reading in bed with your knees bent or otherwise sitting so that the majority of your weight is on your buttocks
 sitting on the floor, especially with your knees bent up in front of you7
 sitting on your foot
 catching yourself from falling, or other sudden muscle overload
 a direct blow to the muscle
 twisting sideways while bending and lifting something heavy
 forceful rotation of your body while your weight is on one leg
 twisting repeatedly while throwing something behind you
 running
 in women, spreading the legs during intercourse
 car accidents, particularly when struck from the driver’s side (even for passengers)
 driving for long periods
 a longer second toe
 foot pronation
 one leg shorter than the other
 over-correcting a shorter leg with a lift that is too high
 chronic pelvic inflammatory disease
 infectious sacroiliitis
 arthritis of the hip joint or hip replacement surgery, although I believe usually the trigger points likely came first and were untreated for many years
 the sacroiliac joint out-of-alignment

Personal Power Training