Yoga Treats High Blood Pressure
A staggering fifty million people in the United States have high blood pressure, putting them at a greater risk for having a heart attack or stroke and a greater risk for developing heart and kidney diseases which can culminate in the failure in the functioning of...
Oxygen Debt
Oxygen debt is the oxygen that needs to be replaced or paid back to the various systems in the body, such as the lungs, hemoglobin and myoglobin (found in the muscles of the body) and body fluids. This repayment of oxygen would catabolize the lactic acid formed in the...
What is ATP
Adenosine Tri Phosphate is arguably the most important molecule located within the bodies of human beings. It carries the energy necessary to facilitate all of the processes of human metabolism. The molecule itself is reasonably simple (especially in comparison to the...
Dangers of Clenbuterol
Not all weight loss aids are created equal. But most of them advertise themselves as being the superior choice for weight loss. Lasting weight loss can not be achieved through a quick fix that many of these products promise. The human body just does not work that way....
The Obesity Gene
Obesity is one of the main causes for many devastating ailments such as heart disease, type-2 diabetes, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis and sleep apnea. Sometimes, obesity can even lower one's life expectancy. Initially, it was believed that obesity was due to...
Quit Smoking for Good with Exercise
Smoking is the primary cause of lung cancer, it is responsible for approximately 30 percent of all cardiovascular diseases, and is attributed to more than 400,000 deaths a year. More than 50,000 people die each year as a result of the affects of second hand smoke. Why...
The Importance for Children to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
Children, when born, come into this earth with their internal organs in perfect shape and functional efficiency (assuming it is a healthy child). For example, if you were to compare a child's heart with that of a healthy adult, the former will be technically more...
Can Obesity Lower Your IQ
Obesity is considered a fatal condition in which the natural reserve of energy that has been deposited in the fatty tissues of humans is of such a high level that it increases the chances for developing a host of serious health problems such as cardiovascular...
The Dangers of Not Getting the Sleep Your Body Needs
National traffic safety experts report that drivers who fall asleep at the wheel cause more fatal accidents than drivers that are impaired by alcohol. The demands of job and family on the average person today are largely responsible for the numbers of people risking...
The Health Risks of Chronic Negativity
In recent health news the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), shared its findings about the harmful affects on the brain posed by chronic negativity. Research shows that people having a habitual negative disposition are at a higher risk for suffering from memory and...