grass fed Beef heart

1 sizable grass fed  beef heart

1 big cauliflower, riced

1 white onion, chopped

2 celery stalks, chopped

1 green pepper, chopped

1 garlic clove, chopped

2 spring onions, chopped

1 bay leaf * Some fresh sage, chopped * Some fresh thyme, chopped * 1/3 tspoon red pepper flakes * 1/2 tspoon cayenne pepper * 1/2 tspoon ground cumin

For the bone broth: * 3 beef bones with marrow * 1 celery stalk, chopped * 1 carrot, chopped * some spinach * 1 onion, chopped * black pepper For the baking broth: * 1 tomato, sliced * 1/2 jalapeno, chopped * oil of your choosing



Wash the bones. In a deep pot add all the bone broth ingredients, and fill up with water. Cook in medium heat.

The bone marrow will start having some “dirty” substance on the surface after a few minutes.

Using a tablespoon, remove it and discard it. When there’s not much of that substance anymore coming out, cover and cook for 2-3 hours in low heat.

Turn off, and allow the bone marrow soup to cool a bit.

Then, using a strainer, separate most of the liquid broth from the other ingredients. Reserve the broth in a big glass container, and put it in the fridge.

Enjoy the rest of the ingredients on their own, as your lunch or dinner (add some lemon).

Baking the heart

Preheat oven at 410 F (210 C). On a rather tall but small baking dish, add the tomato, jalapeno, and then the beef heart. Pour 1/2 cup of water and some oil on top.

Bake for an hour, turning the heart 4 times during that time.

When done, let it cool for a bit, and then remove the heart from the dish and set aside to cool even further. Reserve the baking liquid in a separate container.

Discard (or eat as a snack) the tomatoes & jalapeno.

When cool, cut the heart in small pieces, about 1/2 inch thick. Having the heart frozen for just 10 minutes prior to cutting it, will help you cut it easier.

Cooking the main dish

Wash, and then “rice” the cauliflower using the shredder blade in your food processor.

If you don’t have such a tool, just use a large kitchen knife and cut it in very small pieces.

On a deep frying pan or wok add some oil, and the chopped white onion, celery, peppers, and garlic. Fry in high heat until transparent, stir occasionally.

Add the cauliflower, and the spices. Stir fry a bit more, until the color starts changing to brown. Add the meat and stir fry a bit more.

Add 1/4 cup of the baking broth, 3/4 cup of the bone broth. 1 minute before removing from heat, stir in the chopped spring onions too.

Cook in high heat until all liquid is dissolved, and the consistency has changed to something between Chinese fried rice and risotto. Enjoy!