3 cups Almond Flour

1 tsp Baking Soda

1 tsp Salt

2 Eggs

1/2 cup Maple Syrup (add Agave Nectar if you like)

1 tsp Vanilla Extract

1/2 cup Coconut Oil 

2 cups Chocolate Chips (Enjoy Life is a good brand)



Combine Almond Flour, Baking Soda and Salt in a large bowl.

In a small bowl, beat Eggs, Maple Syrup/Agave Nectar, and Vanilla Extract

Melt Coconut Oil and add to your liquid mix.

Combine liquid mix with dry mix. Blend until well combined.

Stir in Chocolate Chips.

On a baking sheet, drop balls of cookie dough (which tastes delicious) about a tablespoon in size.

The dough spreads a little bit in the oven so leave enough room in between.

Bake for 10-12 minutes. Cookies will be golden brown, depending on how long they’re in the oven.

They might look like they’re burned at the edges but as long as you take them out in time they should be perfect!