Two and a half cups of pecans

One cup of hazelnuts

Three medjool dates

Half a cup of maple syrup

Three eggs

One tablespoon of coconut flour 

4 table spoons of butter

(optional awesomeness – 2 teaspoons of cinnamon, half an orange zest)



Stick one and a quarter cup of pecans and one cup of hazelnuts in the food processor and coarsely grind.

Mix in 4 table spoons of butter and fashion around your pie dish (I almost typed pie hole..:S). Bake it in your oven at 170C for five minutes.

For the filling:

Process the rest of your pecans (leave a few to decorate the top) with the dates eggs syrup and the rest o the ingredients then pour and level into the pie dish.

Add the remaining pecans and bake for 20 minutes at the same temp.

Don’t worry if the top of the crust is a little bit crumbly, it tastes awesome.

That’s it! YAAAAAAAY