Grass fed Steak – Use either steak tips or get a piece of it and cut it up
1 bag fresh Asparagus 8oz
fresh pepper strips
1 bunch of scallions
Sea Salt + Pepper
Olive Oil + Apple Cider Vinegar
Some sorta fat source, organic butter, bacon fat, ghee, or coconut oil
In a large skillet heat up your fat . Toss in your asparagus , your chopped up scallions, and pepper strips.
• When those are almost all the way heated, add in your steak.
• While those are becoming friends, add in your spices and wee bit of Apple Cider Vinegar.
•chopped lettuce at this point.
• When your stir fry is all set, put it on top of your salad, dress with some more pepper and your oil + Vinegar.