Music can be a great motivator while you exercise, simply because it lets you shut out from outside world of conversations and noises, meanwhile enabling you to concentrate more on your workout, as per the latest research results. In a way, it is creative distraction because music, meanwhile blocking all the external noises, facilitates better relaxation of one’s mind as well so that the person working out may not feel the strain of the exercise as much as if it were in a tuneless atmosphere. In fact, this is one of the most widely accepted logics of the magic touch of music in enhancing working out, that if the person working out is not bothered to concentrate on the discomforts of exercises, it is very unlikely that he/she may hold back from exerting more or trying new things in the working out process. In most of the cases, it is the physical strain that keeps or disinterests people from continuing with exercise regimes as directed by the gym instructors.


Some researches associated with music therapy points out that stimulating music actually increases the muscle tension, the reason why people – for example – are able to take chest presses more easily while listening to fast music than anything sedative or slow. Few studies also claim that music has close links with stimulating motor functions. Another hypothesis supporting music in work outs says that music – fast, slow or simply smoothening – if it catches the person’s attention, will automatically brings his/her mind to a happy and positive mood, which is very crucial in ensuring that he/she indeed works out in the right and productive way. According to the latter theory, it is not the fast, hip-hop type of music that always brings results, but the one that sounds comfortable and smoothening for an individual.


One more aspect about music in workouts is that, with changing workout types, in order to maintain the right rhythm and pace, it would be better to change the music tracks as well accordingly. The basic thought process along these lines is quite simple – if fast music helps you in making running in a treadmill pleasurable, the same track may not come handy if you are doing chest press or playing with kettle bells as the basic rhythm or frequency of these workouts are entirely different. But, this aspect may vary from individual to individual and hence is entirely a matter of personal choice only. 


Finally, do not play music loudly (or listen to it so dedicatedly) so that, in the process, you may forget to take note of the stress the workout puts on your own physique. In other words, whichever exercise you do, it is always harmful to over do it, and if the music playing into your ears is a hindrance to your senses to take note of how the body is responding to the strain of the workout, think again. The benefits of listening to music while you exercise only exist when you use it effectively and intelligently. It should not be a blinder that shields your senses from reality.