3 Tbsp lemon juice

1/4 cup chicken stock (or fish stock or clam juice)

1 cup heavy cream

1 Tbsp canola or grape seed oil

1 1/2 pounds skin-on salmon fillets

Salt and pepper

Parsley for garnish



Pour the lemon juice, broth and cream into a small pot and bring to a simmer.

Immediately drop the heat to low, cover the pot and simmer very gently for 10 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste.

While the sauce is cooking, rinse the salmon in cold water and check for any stray scales (if skin-on).

Pat the fish dry with paper towels.

Add the canola oil to a sauté pan large enough to fit the fish in one layer.

Set the heat to high and let the pan heat up for 90 seconds.

Lay the fish skin side down in the hot pan and turn the heat down to medium.

Salt the exposed side of the fish. Let this sizzle away steadily for 3-5 minutes, depending on how thick the fish is.

An inch-thick fillet will take about 5 minutes. With a metal spatula, turn the fish, making sure the skin remains attached to the salmon. Salt the skin side of the fish.

Cook for another 1-5 minutes, depending on how well-done you like your fish.

We like our salmon a little rare in the center, so we cook the second side of a 1-inch fillet about 3 minutes.

Set the salmon down on the plate skin side up, then pour some of the sauce over it. Garnish with the parsley and serve at once.