Best Weight Loss Program

People chose to lose weight for many reasons whether its looking and feeling better or improving their overall health. Many struggle with their diets and chose to find the best weight loss program. If you search the internet there are thousands out there, but it is...

Strive to Be Great

This Father’s love is something amazing.  Watch and believe you can be great to and change, and make a commitment to strive to be your best today! The gift of love and the ability to give all you have for someone is what life is really about.  Make a difference...

Lose Weight by Eating More Raw Foods

For those who are seeking natural weight loss then a raw food weight loss plan might be right for you. This has been the latest “health craze” for years now while some disagree with all the benefits of enzymes it claims to have. Raw food does many things...

Egg-cellent News: Fried Breakfast ‘Is Best’

This articles is great in saying we need to eat protein and a healthy breakfast with fats. Which will help us burn fat throughout the day.  Though it’s a bit misleading because there are lots of different fats out there and some are good for us and some are not....

Weight Loss Foods

There are many foods out there that should be included in your diet to help you drop pounds while also curb your cravings. These weight loss foods can be found in your local grocery store, you just have to know what you are looking for and not buy anything processed...