Mt biking DC Ranch scottsdale

Today I took off from the Villiage at DC Rach. Was a quick steep uphill for the first 20 min then a steady downhill basically a jeep trail downhill. Overall the trail isn’t very technical and a climb than a downhill. I would recommend other trails though since...

AMRAP What Does it Mean?

Meaning people wonder what AMRAP means when looking at a Training program ant it Lists: AMRAP. AMRAP is: “AS Many Reps As Possible” So if you see a training program that says: Step ups: 2 sets x AMRAP @ 333, rest 30 sec.. Now you will know what to do. As Many Reps as...

Awesome Book!!! THE FRED FACTOR

The “THE FRED FACTOR” As you may know I love reading great books and ones that are extremely exceptional. I just read the “The Fred Factor” it’s a story about a mail man. Sounds pretty lame I know, though it’s a bit different it’s about Fred. Fred is this man who was...

Stretching for Golf.

Golf is a dynamic sport where you need a great deal of flexibility, strength, stability, and power. Golfers who don’t train and stay in great shape are really never going to be as good unless they know how to train correctly. Don’t miss out on being the...

Mt biking north scottsdale. Dc ranch

What a great weekend saturday morning woke up early to do a mt. Bike ride with a few clients around th dc ranch area. We all got our gear on gloves helmet clipped in my shoes and were all pumped ready to ride. The morning was unusually cold for arizona. Right as we...