Foam rolling is a self-myofascial release (SMR) technique that’s utilized by athletes and physical therapists to inhibit hyperactive muscles. This kind of stretching utilizes the idea of autogenous inhibition to enhance soft tissue extensibility, therefore relaxing the muscle and permitting the activation of the antagonist muscle.
This technique is effective for several muscles, including: gastrocnemius muscle, latissimus dorsi, piriformis, adductors, quadriceps, hamstrings, hip flexors, pectoral spine (trapezius and rhomboids), and TFL. It’s accomplished by rolling the foam roller under every muscle group till a tender area is found, and maintaining pressure on the tender areas (known as trigger points) for thirty to sixty seconds.
The equipment that is used for foam rolling usually consists of a foam cylinder of various sizes; commonly 12 inches long, 6 inches in diameter. However, longer foam rolls up to 36 inches in length are produced for rolling over certain muscles in the back. A variety of foam roller densities exist, often denoted by the color of the roller. Those new to foam rolling, or those who have particularly tight muscles or severe trigger points often start with a softer foam roll. White rollers are typically softer, while blue and black rolls tend to be much firmer.
When Should You Foam Roll?
Although you can perform the technique after a workout, it’s best to Foam roll as a part of your warm up (pre-exercise) before any kind of static (reach and hold) or dynamic (active/moving) flexibility work, further as on your off days to assist aid in recovery. you should perform you foam rolling work initial because you’ll be freeing up your muscles allowing better range of motion throughout your static or dynamic flexibility work, as well as prepping your body for additional intense activity.
How do you do it?
To perform foam rolling you just position a muscle on the roller and use your own body weight to use pressure into the roller searching for tender spots. when a young spot is noted simply hold on it spot till the tenderness decreases by at least five hundredth – seventieth. The knots or adhesions (that cause the tenderness) won’t just disappear, they will visit different spots of the area you’re performing on, thus make sure to scan the rest of the area you’re working on to search out where the knots and adhesions moved to. you can perform this on all the muscles of your body with the exception of directly on your neck and lower back.
The Importance of Foam Rolling
Foam Rolling has become a very popular method of helping with muscle soreness. The scientific terminology for this is ‘Self Myofascial Release’ and it is a number of exercises where you apply pressure to your muscles on foam and roll along it. You use your own bodyweight and here are some of the benefits:
• Corrects muscle imbalances
• Improves joint range of motion
• Relieves muscle soreness and joint stress
• Increases extensibility of musculotendinous junction
• Maintains normal functional muscular length