Daily Picks

Quisque cursus, risus quis scelerisque porttitor, lacus leo consequat augue, at vestibulum tellus lectus ut diam. Phasellus vel dolor quis nibh rutrum pharetra. Etiam odio metus, rhoncus eget elementum sed, sagittis tincidunt sem. Proin sit amet tellus lacus, quis...

“Abalicious” Fitness Tools

Many of us crave having the six pack abs we find so sexy on others. We yearn to strut with the confidence of a firm and perfectly toned mid-section, oozing with sexual magnetism, but some of us fear that the tight, sexy abs we long to have are not possible given our...

More than Just Crunches

Paul Chek Swiss balls are a familiar sight in many gyms these days and are commonly used for ab training – crunches and cross crunches are quite popular using the Swiss ball. However these are just a fraction of the fantastic exercises that be performed on a...

Abdominal Fat is Bad for Your Health

The presence of fat in the abdomen proves to be a very serious and unhealthy situation, it has been found through research that abdominal fat plays a major role on the overall health of the body and its presence can lead to many chronic and even fatal diseases....