by webguy | Mar 10, 2010 | Get Inspired
Get Inspired by this inspirational video from the movie “Any Given Sunday” Sometimes you just need a little bit more to get what you want. Kick, Fight, and Push one extra inch to get what you want. it’s worth it, isn’t...
by webguy | Mar 9, 2010 | Get Inspired
Learn to get up and play harder next time. Failing is part of life so deal with it. Learn from it, grow from it and keep doing in until you get it right.
by webguy | Feb 7, 2010 | Get Inspired
Will Smith tells how he feels what it takes to be successful. I found this to be very inspiring and I hope you do as well. Though I would have to say I would kill big Willie cause I would gaurantee that he would never beat me on the treadmill. I don’t believe...
by webguy | Jan 29, 2010 | Fitness
Who wants to be called this? Everyone!!! come on don’t fool yourself and say you don’t want to look amazing, because deep down inside we all do. So Why don’t we all look our very best? Post a comment and fill me in because i’m here to help the...
by webguy | Jan 28, 2010 | Fitness
Her Shirt says “My Daddy is my Personal Trainer” on the front and the back says: “Training Secret Eat 8 Meals a Day”
by webguy | Jan 27, 2010 | Fitness, Nutrition
Don’t Eat Sugar Exercise Everyday!! You will see so many improvements in your health that you will be amazed, I know don’t tell this to anyone. It’s a huge secret. The real secret is can you do it?