Children's Physical Activity Guidelines

After reading and going though this info just makes me think “what in the hell is wrong with all of this”  why do the physical fitness guidelines keep increasing for children and adults, are we getting lazier, less physical activity.   no, the answer...

Natropathic Surgery Healing Protocol

PRE AND POST SURGERY PROTOCOL This is a general description of medications, treatments and supplementsuseful for enhancing healing after surgery, decreasing adhesion formation atthe incision site, and decreasing your pain. Your physician will design aspecific protocol...

Myspace friend | Myspace networking tool

how to get tons and tons of friends on Myspace.   the secret to getting friends and marketing on myspace super fast.   go here: Mysapce Friend adder this program will help you manage your friends send out friend request and build your myspace account super fast and...

Geneticallly Modified Foods Are They Safe?

Are you eating genetically modified foods? Do you know how safe it is? Take time to watch this videos for the health of yourself, your family and our country. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3: Part 4: Part 5: Part 6: Please watch these videos send all your friends to check these...

Myspace friend | Myspace networking tool

how to get tons and tons of friends on Myspace.   the secret to getting friends and marketing on myspace super fast.   go here: Mysapce Friend adder this program will help you manage your friends send out friend request and build your myspace account super fast and...

Whole Foods buying Wild Oats is if Fair

 The sum up of What’s going on: Whole Foods bough Wild Oats (WO) and they are going to close down WO so that people kind of have to shop at Whole Foods.  The FTC thinks it will be monopolizing organic and health food…   Looks Like Sunflower Market and...