The Benefits of Keeping Workout Logs and Records
When starting out with their workout regime, most people usually can not be bothered to keep logs and records. It is perhaps the last thing on their minds. And OK, there’s no doubt that you are sure to stand out at the gym holding a pen and a notebook in your hand. ...
Why is Measuring Body Fat so Important Compared to Just Weighing Yourself?
When people start down the road to a healthier lifestyle, their first concern is most often their weight. After all, popular health news is full of warnings for the additional risks overweight people face, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart failure and...
Parasite Removal Programs (buy the bowel and parasite cleanse) a company that does not have a website. You can only call and order the cleanse over the phone. The number is 1-800-408-1525 Cleansing Combo Pack Plus Probiotic: Buy Now for better health: Click...
Why is it Important to Detox Your Body
The body undergoes a lot of wear and tear both inside and outside so it is important to ensure that the body is taken care of in order to compensate for this. Just like a car engine which needs to be serviced and have its oil removed and changed, the body also has to...
The Triad of Health
Paul Chek Originally published in New Zealand Fitness. Have you ever noticed that the best athletes are seldom the biggest athletes on the team or in their sport? Athletic performance in any sport requiring dynamic multi-dimensional movement (i.e. netball, rugby,...
Muscle Soreness
If you are sore after working out, you might wonder what is causing you to ache. It is widely believed that muscle pain and soreness after working out is caused by a build up of a muscle by-product known as lactic acid. This by-product builds up and irritates...
Why Using the Wellness Water Filter is a Must
Using a water filter is a must because the water we get through our public water distribution systems is neither pure enough nor germ free for safe consumption or other uses. It contains micro organisms and minerals that can be detrimental to the human system on a...
Keep that Colon Dirt-Free
It’s almost ironic how the colon is used as a transporting agent of human waste and dirt; yet, it has to be kept clean. Isn’t that a contradiction of sorts? Not really. While the colon does serve as an “exit ramp” for all of our unwanted garbage, it must be kept...
Back Strong & Beltless – Part II
Paul Chek HOW TO BE BACK STRONG AND BELTLESS! The worst thing someone could do is discontinue the use of a belt cold turkey! If you have been using a back belt or weight lifting belt for more than a month, chances are very good that your abdominal recruitment patterns...
Top Two Reasons You Can’t Lose the Last 5-15lbs.
How would you like to learn how to drop those stubborn 5-15lbs that seem impossible to get rid of? I get it - you work so hard in the gym and eat healthy, yet nothing seems to work. I hear this from both men and women and have found the two biggest issues they're...