Jump Squats, learn plyometric fitness training exercise and how to increase your vertical jump with Scott White. https://www.personalpowertraining.net join now: http://www.plyometricvideos.com/
Lindsey Love Gallucci
on September 10, 2009 at 8:55 am
coming from a Personal Trainer myself…..I love jump squats! They always get me sore and give me a good workout:) Thanks for the demo, a lot of people don't know exactly what they are.
coming from a Personal Trainer myself…..I love jump squats! They always get me sore and give me a good workout:) Thanks for the demo, a lot of people don't know exactly what they are.
thank you I appreciate the feedback, yes they are one of my favorites as well keep up the great work changing the world one life at a time.