by webguy | Feb 1, 2011 | Fitness, Get Inspired, Weight Loss
Unfortunately 20% of New Years Resolutions are broken withing the first week of January. I am sure we all remember the gyms being packed the first few weeks and then it starts to to become less and less as the year progresses, but why? Too many people have a thought...
by webguy | Feb 1, 2011 | Fitness, Get Inspired, Weight Loss
Unfortunately 20% of New Years Resolutions are broken withing the first week of January. I am sure we all remember the gyms being packed the first few weeks and then it starts to to become less and less as the year progresses, but why? Too many people have a thought...
by webguy | Dec 27, 2010 | Get Inspired, Weight Loss
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with their family and friends! With Christmas behind us 2011 is quickly approaching which means it is time to make a healthy change in the new year! Work on your new years resolutions this week and hey why wait until the 1st...
by webguy | Dec 1, 2010 | Fitness, Get Inspired
A whole new year for new opportunities and for you to accomplish those goals you have been putting off. Well instead of pushing them off for any longer why not start today!? Set goals for yourself and start adding exercise to your weekly calendar. Remember to keep...