The Whole Foods Companion, written by Dianne Onstad, is considered to be a comprehensive guide for all of those curious shoppers, who love natural foods and all of the adventurous cooks around.


All chefs, gardeners, herbalists, vegetarians and nutritionists will surely love having the Whole Foods Companion as a ready reference tool. Being a specialist in the field of nutrition education, Dianne Onstad had written this book with the intention of spreading the benefits of whole foods. Whole Foods Companion also promotes organic whole foods in its 533 pages.


Being a woman very interested in raw and living foods, Dianne Onstad proves to be the right person to write the book. Whole Foods Companion also has very useful buying tips for whole foods. The secret of enjoying whole foods lies in selecting and buying the best whole foods possible. She has also added information on the different culinary uses when making and serving food.


To impress the health conscious, you can find lots of general information on fruits and vegetables in the book too. There is also additional information on the health benefits of nuts, seeds, oils, herbs, spices, legumes, grains and other foods. In addition to all of this, there is a glossary with a great comprehensive index that proves informational to all of those new to the cooking field.


Though you may not find many photographs in this book, Whole Foods Companion proves to be an extensive and thorough book. In fact, this is a book that is very useful to the reader who is interested in knowing more about the foods that they eat and how to select the right foods for cooking. The book has been compared to a reference book that has reached encyclopedic proportions with the information that it provides – information about more than 400 different types of food.


Today, there are many books giving different nutritional information on the different types of foods and herbs; this has led to people getting confused on what to believe and follow. However, upon reading Whole Foods Companion, you find that all of your confusion and dilemmas about the nutritional value of food will be resolved. It is not just a collection of the nutritional information of different foods; it also explains the origins of different foods, and the naming for different foods. In addition to all of this, you also find some legends and traditions associated with different foods.