
  The human body is a very interesting physiological concern. With all of the different processes going on within the human body, it is almost a wonder that we as human beings are able to function as normally as we do. Literally hundreds of thousands if not millions...

What is Protein

Proteins are vital nutrients for the growth and sustenance of our bodies. Proteins not only assist in the growth process, but also can substitute as an instant source of energy when carbohydrates and fats are absent or insufficient in the body. It is important to note...

Oxygen Debt

Oxygen debt is the oxygen that needs to be replaced or paid back to the various systems in the body, such as the lungs, hemoglobin and myoglobin (found in the muscles of the body) and body fluids. This repayment of oxygen would catabolize the lactic acid formed in the...

What is ATP

Adenosine Tri Phosphate is arguably the most important molecule located within the bodies of human beings. It carries the energy necessary to facilitate all of the processes of human metabolism. The molecule itself is reasonably simple (especially in comparison to the...

Dangers of Clenbuterol

Not all weight loss aids are created equal. But most of them advertise themselves as being the superior choice for weight loss. Lasting weight loss can not be achieved through a quick fix that many of these products promise. The human body just does not work that way....