by webguy | Jun 13, 2018 | Health
A woman stands in front of a full-length mirror and she assesses what she sees. Sometimes what she sees disturbs her; the way a button puckers, a seam bulges. She may or not be happy with what she sees, but has a realistic view of her body, faults and assets alike....
by webguy | Jun 13, 2018 | Health
Water is water right? Whether you get it from a faucet or a garden hose, or grab one from the cooler at the convenience store-it’s just water and all water is just that, right? Not true at all. All water is not created equally. I hope that after reading this article...
by webguy | Jun 13, 2018 | Health
Alzheimer’s Risk Reduced by Exercise; Affects Gene Expression and Growth Hormone: Regular exercise controls the expression of genes in an area of the brain important for memory and maintaining healthy cells in the brain; this maintenance breaks down in cases of...
by webguy | Jun 13, 2018 | Health
Massage therapy isn’t only an enjoyable way to work out kinks, cramps and stresses – it’s also therapeutically beneficial for improving circulation, enhancing muscle tone, aiding digestion, and boosting your immune system. Massage therapy is considered to be a...
by webguy | Jun 13, 2018 | Health
Diabetes can be a terrible word to hear coming out of a doctor’s mouth. Diabetes means constant monitoring of blood sugar, painful testing many times each day, worries about your health and circulation, and even death if it is not monitored very carefully. The good...
by webguy | Jun 13, 2018 | Health
Paul Chek Have you ever noticed that your feet, back and/or neck hurt after wearing high-heeled shoes to work, but not on the weekend while in flats? Yes it’s true, there is a connection. The body is beautifully designed with a fully functional, durable, shock...