Exercise Benefits and Studies

Alzheimer’s Risk Reduced by Exercise; Affects Gene Expression and Growth Hormone: Regular exercise controls the expression of genes in an area of the brain important for memory and maintaining healthy cells in the brain; this maintenance breaks down in cases of...

The Benefits of a Lymphatic Massage

Lymphatic massage is a body massage that is specifically focused on the relaxation of the lymph tissue in the body. It is one of the most appreciated massages, which can reinforce many of the vital functionalities of the body. The lymphatic system is a significant...

Some Aspects Of Body Weight Exercises You Cannot Escape

Although you cannot tell some people that fancy equipment and gym facilities are not needed for weight training, it is very true. You can accomplish weight training with just the weight of your body! If you cannot handle the weight you have attached to you already, it...

Why Hire a Natural Medical Doctor

Hiring a natural medical doctor is one of the most appropriate means to control disease. Now, natural medicine is a popular stream of medicine that has gained the confidence and support of many people. The unique benefits of  natural medicine to the patient are often...

Steroids: Do You Really Understand the Side Effects

In recent years there has been a lot of media coverage about the abuse of steroids. The most recent news of steroid abuse stems from disclosures made by a few professional baseball players. Admitting to such behavior has certainly cast a “shadow of suspicion” over the...

The Benefits Natural Medical Doctors

Natural medicine is getting a lot of attention these days. The testimonials of  patients, who have undertaken natural medicinal treatments, shows that the increased benefits of working with a natural medicine doctor are the main factor behind its popularity. Even...