Exercise to Prevent Diabetes

Diabetes can be a terrible word to hear coming out of a doctor’s mouth.  Diabetes means constant monitoring of blood sugar, painful testing many times each day, worries about your health and circulation, and even death if it is not monitored very carefully.  The good...

Muscle Soreness

If you are sore after working out, you might wonder what is causing you to ache.  It is widely believed that muscle pain and soreness after working out is caused by a build up of a muscle by-product known as lactic acid.  This by-product builds up and irritates...

Why is it Important to Detox Your Body

The body undergoes a lot of wear and tear both inside and outside so it is important to ensure that the body is taken care of in order to compensate for this. Just like a car engine which needs to be serviced and have its oil removed and changed, the body also has to...

What Causes Sore Muscles

I’m sure you have had it happen to you before – you do strenuous work or exercise and wake up the next morning with muscle soreness. Even when you didn’t hurt the night before, you may be experiencing something known as DOMS, or Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. Whatever...