About Fat Calipers

Hopping on your scale will not tell you the whole story of what is happening with your body as you are attempting to lose weight and become more fit and healthy. A more accurate way to assess what changes are really taking place within your body is a set of fat...

Exercising with Stretch Bands

These nifty exercising numbers are starting to make it into more health newscasts and magazines and more people are becoming aware of them. Gyms and fitness centers across the nation are offering classes designed around using rubber stretch bands to exercise with....

The Practical Uses for Heart Monitors

You get into the zone during your workout, or at least you think you are. Your muscles get tighter and you breathe harder, sweat forms on your forehead. As you keep in motion you can feel your heart beating faster in your chest, but is your workout really giving your...

UFO: Alien Aircraft or Super Fitness Tool

If a firm and fit body seems alien to you, read on to learn more about the super fitness tool that has landed in gyms and homes around the planet earth. The UFO or Ultimate Fitness Object is a tool that fitness enthusiasts are finding easy to use, as well as helping...

Kettlebells for the Physically Fit

Buy Kettlebells Now!                                     Buy Kettlebells Now!    Kettlebells are a superior exercise tool for fitness intent individuals desiring the greatest in strength and conditioning. Traditional kettlebells are designed for men who want to reach...