Multi-Vitamins The Good The Bad and The Ugly

Ideally, humans would eat wholly nutritious diets rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. The fact is, most people do not meet all their nutritional needs through their food. As a result, many of us rely on multivitamins and supplements to achieve more complete...

Top 10 Reasons Fish Oils are Essential

1. Fish oils, rich in Omega-3 fatty acids may help prevent depression, stabilize the moods of maniac-depressives, and alleviate symptoms of schizophrenia. University of California’s Johnsson Cancer Center, Los Angeles, CA 2. Fish oil is one of the few...

Personal Trainer Salary

Many personal trainers command salaries of over $100,000 per year, while others earn only $6 an hour and have to work a second job in order to make ends meet. Why the discrepancy? The fact is that less than 2% of all personal trainers will ever earn a 6-figure salary...

Personal Trainer Jobs

“Do you have any good personal trainers on staff?”   This is a question potential members are likely to ask a health club.  People keen on shedding pounds and looking for a good cardiovascular workout are curious about the machines and facilities (are the weight and...

Celebrity Workouts

  They walk the red carpet looking ever so deliciously in shape. Have you ever wondered just what kinds of workouts those gorgeous celebrities must have to endure to look that good? Do you want to look as good as your fave star, but assume you’d need to fork out a...