by webguy | Aug 10, 2013 | Fitness, Fitness Models, Health, Performance
Enhance your body-mind connection with foam roller exercises and shoulder stretches that open your shoulder muscles. You’ll ease the load of the world on you shoulders! The body-mind connection is incredibly strong and once you do these exercises, this...
by webguy | Aug 8, 2013 | Fitness, Fitness Models, Health, Performance
The muscles of the hip tend to have more issues for woman in comparison to men. The reason being, is that for woman, the hips are the strongest emotional center. (The men have their own problems with the shoulders, their stronger emotional center, that I discuss in...
by webguy | Aug 7, 2013 | Fitness
Any person that is new to weight lifting, or even one who has been at it for some time, often asks “What is the best set and rep range to get the most effective results in the gym?”. They often get the same answer from different people – low reps for...
by webguy | Aug 6, 2013 | Fitness
Body weight exercises are very useful and should be part of a complete workout routine. However, too many people focus on lifting weights and forget the many benefits that training with your body weight can provide. Granted, body weight exercises cannot provide the...
by webguy | Aug 6, 2013 | Fitness, Fitness Models, Health, Performance
Foam roller exercises for the groin muscles will increase your understanding of the body-mind affiliation and how well you’re holding it all together! The adductor muscles of the hip are the muscles that are within your thighs. They are more commonly called the...