Why Exercise Should be Fun

Is exercise supposed to be fun? You bet! When exercise routines are not fun, they become monotonous and people get bored, so when the next training session rolls around, they try to find one excuse or another to skip their workout. What’s the solution to this problem?...

The Benefits of Jumping Ropes

A jumping rope is perhaps the easiest and most convenient form of exercise imaginable – it can be practiced by virtually anyone, of any age and level of fitness. You don’t need any special or costly equipment or a large area to do it – a decent rope which costs as...

Benefits of Swimming

There’s a lot of talk these days about muscle groups and concentrating on them one at a time.  You walk into any gym and you hear guys and gals make small talk while taking a break from their sets and repetitions.             “How you doing with those biceps?”   “I...