Personal Training for Children

It was bound to happen, and it has. We as a generation of couch potatoes have now sprouted a generation of mini couch spuds. More children are obese, and becoming obese at younger ages than ever before in our history, and we as adults and as a society are responsible...

What is Functional Exercise

Paul Chek Here at the C.H.E.K Institute, an exercise can only be considered functional if it fulfills the following criteria: Comparable reflex profile (Righting and Equilibrium reflexes) When moving across any object, stable (earth) or unstable (surf board), the body...


By Paul Chek, HHP, NMT Founder, C.H.E.K. Institute                                    Buy a Swiss BAll Although relatively new to the fitness industry, Swiss Balls have been used in rehabilitation for nearly 40 years. These large, inflatable balls are now being used...