Personal Training for Children

It was bound to happen, and it has. We as a generation of couch potatoes have now sprouted a generation of mini couch spuds. More children are obese, and becoming obese at younger ages than ever before in our history, and we as adults and as a society are responsible...

Fun with Kettlebells

Buy Kettlebells Now!                                     Buy Kettlebells Now!   Lifting with Kettlebells can be a lot of fun for all of you fitness enthusiasts looking for new and interesting workout techniques to boost your overall fitness levels. Kettlebell...

Lower Back Exercise

The lower back is an often-neglected part of the body. Most fitness routines make little mention of lower back muscles, though it is very important to include them in your exercise regimen. Your lower back muscles help support your other muscles while you exercise,...

Why Children Need to Exercise

Exercise is something not only adults need to do, but children as well. With exercise, the joints of adults and children maintain flexibility, muscles grow strong and they adapt a strong sense of endurance which is needed throughout their lives. Today, school work,...