6 Must have Supplements

6 Must have Supplements

6 Must-Have Supplements: These should be something you take daily for your health, fitness, and overall nourishment. Multivitamin: (Top 2 I would recommend) Design for Health Athletic Pure Pack: (I personally use this one and it has the vitamin D, Omegas and...

Why is Food Always the Answer?

Why is Food always the answer? I mean, it makes sense, when you think about it logically. Food is fuel, it’s calories. And calories are energy. And energy fuels, right? So logically, it makes sense. But in the day to day decisions and judgements we make about life, it...

Nutritional Cheat Sheet

 Here is Personal Power Training's Nutritional Cheat Sheet. Follow these rules and you are guaranteed SUCCESS!  [optin_box style="2" alignment="center" email_field="inf_field_Email" email_default="Enter your email address" integration_type="infusionsoft"...

Eat more Veggies!

Did you know if you ate more veggies you would have: Stronger Bones Healthier Skin More muscles (well if you exercise) Clearer Mind Reduced Inflammation which would give you less pain, aches, etc. Stronger Body, Mind, More Stamina Faster Recovery Younger More...

#1 Secret to Weight Loss

Everyone always ask me. What's the secret to weight loss? How can I lose fat fast, effectively, and do it FAST!!! It's simple and easy and I figured I should share this information with you ASAP... Here's a video that goes over the details: Watch Now: Don't fool...

Eating for Gains

Eating for Gains

Gaining muscle does not involve just going to the gym regularly and lifting heavy weights. That is one part of the equation - but an equally important part is making sure you have a good diet. A few pointers for a good muscle building diet are: 1. Eat protein, protein...

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