by webguy | Jul 13, 2013 | Fitness
Having big and wide shoulders gives you an aesthetically-pleasing V-taper, making you look more attractive, healthier, and more balanced. It makes shirts fit you better, and gives your lover more shoulder to lean on. On the more functional side, having big and...
by webguy | Dec 29, 2010 | celebrities, Fitness
Pink Changes her Color Pink is usually being talked about because of her bad girl ways rather than her fitness. However, that has changed as of late. Anyone who saw the nearly nude Pink drenched in water and suspended from a trapeze at the Grammy Awards knows what...
by webguy | Dec 26, 2010 | celebrities, Fitness
Bradley Cooper is on our “A Team” The new Hollywood hunk of “The Hangover” and soon to be appearing on the remake of the 80’s classic, ”The A Team,” is taking audiences by storm with his sexy, sleek physique. Bradley is a man who guys want to be and woman want to...
by webguy | Dec 8, 2010 | celebrities, Fitness
Kim Kardashian Curves, mesmerizing figure, and a serious rock hard behind. Kim Kardashian isn’t just a celebrity, but also a woman with a backside than has inspired curiosity and envy. So, how does she do it? We all know that it takes more than just a few exercises...
by webguy | Dec 8, 2010 | celebrities, Fitness
Robert Downey Jr., A Real-Life Fitness Super Hero Robert Downey Jr. is a true life superhero when it comes to keeping his body fit and lean. When it comes to his approach to working out, eating, and living he is an inspiration to us all. Even more impressive is that...