by webguy | Oct 13, 2010 | Business
Need a place to train. Now we are giving access to select personal trainers to be able to train clients out of our facility. Cost: $350/ month for 15 hrs and below $550/ month for 15 hrs and above. $900/ month for 15hrs and above and business consulting to get more...
by webguy | Oct 11, 2010 | Fitness, Get Inspired
Drue Maggetti is our Athlete/ Model of the month Dru has been training hard with us for a few months now. She works hard and is super focused. She has been modeling here in scottsdale and just appeared in Scottsdale’s Fashion Week walking down the runway. If you...
by webguy | Sep 30, 2010 | Nutrition
Drinking water at the correct time maximizes its effectiveness on the Human body: 2 glasses of water after waking up – helps activate internal organs 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal – helps digestion 1 glass of water before taking a bath...
by webguy | Sep 20, 2010 | Fitness
There’s 1st place and then theirs Personal Power Training clients who break records. 1st is ok though our clients break the records books. Paul Folk owner of Rustic Stuff is our latest record breaker. Rustic Stuff is a Custom Home...
by webguy | Sep 19, 2010 | Fitness
In weight training, a periodization workout program is the practice of varying the training regimen at regular intervals to bring about optimal results for the trainee. Proven benefits of a periodization workout program include improved muscular endurance, strength...