Home Workouts: Are They Really Worth It

The DVD is loaded in the player, you have the TV turned to just the right angle for viewing, you have a cold-water bottle strapped to the side of your exercise bicycle, and you’re ready to begin your home workout. But can you really gain as much benefit from workouts...

Why Eat Genetically-Modified Foods

There are people who become defensive when the subject of genetically-modified foods comes up. Some believe that it’s wrong to genetically “modify” natural foods such as fruits and vegetables. But if you think about it, much of what we eat has been modified in some...

Just Because You’re Retired…

…doesn’t mean you can also retire from exercise.  If you do, woe to you!             If there’s one group of people that doctors and medical practitioners like to watch closely, it’s the elderly.  Health experts are particularly concerned about older people who have...

Exercise: Any Age is a Good Age

“When we were kids, I remember my mother chasing us out of the house telling us to play outdoors in minus 20 degree weather saying the fresh cold air would do us some good.  She didn’t want us staying indoors even if it was blowing snow outside.”   This comment came...