by webguy | Aug 3, 2013 | Fitness, Fitness Models, Health, Performance
Foam roller exercises for the pectoral muscles will assist you with tight chest muscles. The chest is the guardian of your heart. Chest opening will open your heart and convey you healing of the body-mind-soul! The pectoral muscles are the big muscles of the chest...
by webguy | Aug 2, 2013 | Fitness, Fitness Models, Health, Performance
The Iliotibial band isn’t a muscle however a fibrinous band. It is on the surface of the thigh from the top of the iliac crest (hip bone), down the side of the thigh and attaches to the outside of the tibia (shin), just under the knee. The Iliotibial band helps...
by webguy | Aug 1, 2013 | Fitness
Fat loss is one of the most common goals people set when they start training. They want to lose weight because their doctor or their spouse told them they need to. Usually, they start off very eagerly – they get on the treadmill or stationary bike for hours on...
by webguy | Aug 1, 2013 | Fitness, Fitness Models, Health, Performance
The foam roller exercises that I will focus on during this article involves the iliopsoas muscle complex. It’s indeed a complex group of muscles that are typically known as the “hip flexors.” The iliopsoas muscle is the muscle that bends the hip, by...
by webguy | Jul 31, 2013 | Fitness, Fitness Models, Health, Performance
Learn how to perform self myofascial release through foam roller exercises, and heal your body, mind and soul! Sore forearms and hands are body metaphors for how well you ‘handle things in your life! Instructions: • For these foam roller exercises you can use...