by webguy | Jul 30, 2015 | Local arizona, Nutrition
Why is Food always the answer? I mean, it makes sense, when you think about it logically. Food is fuel, it’s calories. And calories are energy. And energy fuels, right? So logically, it makes sense. But in the day to day decisions and judgements we make about life, it...
by webguy | Jul 30, 2015 | Fitness, Performance, Sports
Marathon is definitely a challenging goal as it requires lots of hard work, stamina and will power. Pattern for marathon training differs from person to person and depends on lots of factor like energy, goal, stamina, time available and others. Since marathon training...
by webguy | Jun 30, 2015 | Fitness, Get Inspired, Weight Loss
Discover the SCAM or Lies that Can be ruining your Day, week, or Life by weighing yourself. I promise by watching this video you will learn why it may not be as valuable as a measure to use a scale. You love it when you know your weight is down and You hate it when...
by webguy | Sep 30, 2014 | Fitness, Healthy Eating, Nutrition
Here is Personal Power Training’s Nutritional Cheat Sheet. Follow these rules and you are guaranteed SUCCESS! [optin_box style=”2″ alignment=”center” email_field=”inf_field_Email” email_default=”Enter your email...
by webguy | Sep 16, 2014 | Nutrition
Did you know if you ate more veggies you would have: Stronger Bones Healthier Skin More muscles (well if you exercise) Clearer Mind Reduced Inflammation which would give you less pain, aches, etc. Stronger Body, Mind, More Stamina Faster Recovery Younger More Youthful...