Why Hire a Martial Arts Instructor

The origin of martial arts dates back centuries, and it was developed by people as a means to defend oneself against potential attackers. Today, things have remained much the same and hence its basic purpose as well stands without any amendment. But, it must be...

The Benefits of Martial Arts

The benefits of martial arts – whether it is karate, kung fu or tae kwon do – is multi pronged. Of course, the obvious and most important aspect is self defense, the basic reason for which the martial arts has been developed. We all live in a potentially dangerous...

The Benefits of Jumping Ropes

A jumping rope is perhaps the easiest and most convenient form of exercise imaginable – it can be practiced by virtually anyone, of any age and level of fitness. You don’t need any special or costly equipment or a large area to do it – a decent rope which costs as...

How Many Ways Can You Workout

It makes sense that those who vary their workout have a better chance of continuing to exercise regularly than those who stick with just one form of exercise. Sure, there are exceptions. Everyone knows someone who runs regularly as if their life depended on it. But...

What is Functional Exercise

Paul Chek Here at the C.H.E.K Institute, an exercise can only be considered functional if it fulfills the following criteria: Comparable reflex profile (Righting and Equilibrium reflexes) When moving across any object, stable (earth) or unstable (surf board), the body...


By Paul Chek, HHP, NMT Founder, C.H.E.K. Institute                                    Buy a Swiss BAll Although relatively new to the fitness industry, Swiss Balls have been used in rehabilitation for nearly 40 years. These large, inflatable balls are now being used...