– I just received this email saying I could pay this company $25 bucks to postmy links to about 100 social bookmarking sites, well what if I told you that in my and my internet marketing monthly meetings I... – Internet Marketing Seminar Presented by Scott White, SEO Expert Please join me for an informative seminar focused on how important inboundand outbound links are to your website, why they help your site, and whysome links are more...

ASU Research Study

It’s always great to be a part of something and be around some of thesmartest minds in the Kinesiology world (Study of human movement). I havebeen participating in a study at Arizona State University might I add one ofthe best University and remarkably with the...

training clients here in scottsdale arizona has its perks. Like working out outside because the sun is shining here in scottsdale. Which it does almost everday

Thoughts … and more thoughts

God’s richest blessings, mercy, grace and peace to you as we pass through the troubled waters to the safe harbor beyond.   Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a  nightmare.   Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can...

What is eaten in one week!

Italy: The Manzo family of Sicily Food expenditure for one week: 214.36 Euros or $260.11 Germany: The Melander family of Bargteheide Food expenditure for one week: 375.39 Euros or $500.07 United States: The Revis family of North Carolina (Sure hope most...

Santa monica stairs

Its a beautiful morning out here in LA CA and since I’m visiting I decided to take one of my clients outside in the beautiful brisk LA air. We started off great skipping each step spinting to the top. My clients I train out here in LA are in great shape though...

FREE copyright free photos

Everyone always needs pictures for blog posts and to make your website more fun and exciting, well I know how photo’s and pictures can be very expensive and I thought this might be of interest. I don’t know if you pay for pictures right now – I...