Reducing Stress Through Exercise

Exercise is something everyone does, whether it be in the interest of losing weight, bodybuilding, or in controlling diabetes and hypertension. However, in addition to all of this, exercise proves to be very beneficial in stress management. Recent studies show that...

Why Laughing is so Important to Your Health

Someone says they have a funny joke to tell you. As you listen to the set up of the joke, a laugh begins to grow inside of you. As the punch line approaches, your whole body is poised to bust out with a hearty laugh, and then it happens. Not just one laugh, but...

Why Bad Thinking is Bad for Your Health

You know them all too well, the people who walk around with permanent scowls on their faces. These are just the people that most of us try to avoid coming into contact with because these negative people are real downers to themselves and others.  These toxic Toms and...

How Does Exercise Effect The Mind

The human body is an amazing thing. Built into it is everything that is needed to be able to cope with life on this planet, as well as having ingenious means to create a stabilizing effect when things are less than ideal. One of the most amazing things that science...

Confidence is Sexy

He walks down the street with a purpose to his step, and people notice him. He is aware of this. He especially likes the looks he gets from the ladies.   She is sitting on a bench awaiting the 10:15 bus to arrive when she sees him approach from the opposite end of the...

How Negative Thinking Can Hurt You

Negative thinking has been shown to lower your I.Q. Negative thinking changes the physiological characteristics of the brain, impacting its functioning, which can lead to a reduction in the intelligence of children and adults.   We give our children many tools for...

21 Ways to Get Yourself Laughing

Rent a movie, preferably a comedy, or a DVD featuring the performance of a comic and kick back on the sofa for some good laughs.    If you have pets, watch them play. Their antics can be quite hilarious and good for some belly-laughs. Heck, join in, and chase the...

Exercise for the Treatment of Depression

Depression is a complex mental-health disorder. The causes that contribute to depression are vast and some causes emerge unexplainably on a regular basis, as scientists, the psychological community continue to seek and discover the causes of depression.   Experts have...

The Benefits of Mental Health

We certainly hear a lot about the importance of physical health in helping us to live longer. There are magazine articles, books, DVD’s, and mailings on discounted gym memberships that all help to spread the word about the importance of physical health. It’s less...