Advanced Techniques for the Average Lifter

There is a large number of trainees who actually want to be fit across a broad range of fitness indicators – they want to be strong, they want to be fast, agile, flexible, and they want to have endurance. It goes without saying that the athlete and the...

How Much Should You Be Training?

How much should you be training to achieve optimal gains? Too much and you will burn out, but too little and you won’t challenge your body enough to make it change.   Overtraining is a very common problem among new lifters, and even experienced ones. It is easy...

How Strong Should You Be?

How much strength do you really have to gain before you consider yourself strong? There will come many points in your training when you will look a the loaded bar and say, that looks real heavy. You could be looking at it from two perspectives – from the...
Eating for Gains

Eating for Gains

Gaining muscle does not involve just going to the gym regularly and lifting heavy weights. That is one part of the equation – but an equally important part is making sure you have a good diet. A few pointers for a good muscle building diet are: 1. Eat protein,...