Effective Meal Plan for Weight Loss

When it comes to meal plans there are so many to chose from that it’s hard to tell which one will work best for you. If you want to burn more fat and lose weight more efficiently then this meal plan is the right one for you. Let’s address a couple reasons why a lot of...

Nutritional Cheat Sheet

 Here is Personal Power Training’s Nutritional Cheat Sheet. Follow these rules and you are guaranteed SUCCESS!  [optin_box style=”2″ alignment=”center” email_field=”inf_field_Email” email_default=”Enter your email...
Eating for Gains

Eating for Gains

Gaining muscle does not involve just going to the gym regularly and lifting heavy weights. That is one part of the equation – but an equally important part is making sure you have a good diet. A few pointers for a good muscle building diet are: 1. Eat protein,...
Exploring the Pescetarian Diet

Exploring the Pescetarian Diet

Fish is a great source of protein, essential fatty acids, and a ton of other good stuff for the body. Eating just fish for the rest of your life could get rather boring – or it could be the best decision you’ll ever make.   For those worrying about getting...