Foam Roller Exercises for Your Iliopsoas Muscle (Hip Flexors)
The foam roller exercises that I will focus on during this article involves the iliopsoas muscle complex. It's indeed a complex group of muscles that are typically known as the "hip flexors." The iliopsoas muscle is the muscle that bends the hip, by lifting up the...
Foam Roller Exercises for Your Forearms
Learn how to perform self myofascial release through foam roller exercises, and heal your body, mind and soul! Sore forearms and hands are body metaphors for how well you 'handle things in your life! Instructions: • For these foam roller exercises you can use any size...
Maximizing the SAID Principle
The SAID principle is one of the fundamental principles of any physical training. The acronym stands for Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands. What this means is that the body will change and adapt to whatever stimulus you give it. For instance, if you perform...
What are some common parts of the body you can foam roll?
What are some common parts of the body you can foam roll? A lot of people have challenges with posture. So the one thing you'll be able to do is lie along the foam roller with your tailbone on one end, your head on the other, and put your arms to your side and lie...
How Much Should You Be Training?
How much should you be training to achieve optimal gains? Too much and you will burn out, but too little and you won't challenge your body enough to make it change. Overtraining is a very common problem among new lifters, and even experienced ones. It is easy to get...
Foam Roller Exercises for Your Upper Back (Thoracic Spine)
Use foam roller exercises for the thoracic spine and obtain relief from upper back pain. The self myofascial unharness performed on a foam roller can unharness your inveterately held tensions and emotions. My goal is that you just can learn the metaphysical reason for...
How Strong Should You Be?
How much strength do you really have to gain before you consider yourself strong? There will come many points in your training when you will look a the loaded bar and say, that looks real heavy. You could be looking at it from two perspectives - from the strength...
Foam Roller Exercises for the Lower Back and Lumbar Spine
The foam roller exercises during this article will specialize in the lower back and therefore the metaphysical causes for the expertise of physical pain. It's necessary for you to know the body-mind association in lower back pain in order for you to heal. My goal is...
Foam Roller Exercises for Your Hamstring Muscles and Quadriceps (Thigh Muscles)
The muscles of the thigh are perhaps another cluster of muscles that are higher identified and a section of our day vocabulary. The powerful thigh muscles are a significant part in walking, running, biking and each activity that utilizes the legs. The hamstrings, on...
Foam Roller Exercises for the Latissimus Dorsi Muscles
The latissimus dorsi muscles involve muscles at the side of the body, under the armpit and round the back. In addition the teres major muscle is known as the "little helper" of the latissimus dorsi. Simply declared, the latissimus dorsi and teres major are both...