Marion Jones Steroid Use

Marion Jones busted for steroids admitted to using steroids.. Big Surprise are we all that clueless about steroid use, come on both her husbands got in trouble for questionable steroid use.  You can’t be serious that this was a big surprise.  Many many athletes...

Why Personal Trainers Should have written contracts

As a personal Trainer you should always have a written contract or as a business owner going into an agreement with a client there should always be a contract stating what is agreed upon between two parties. Watch this episode of judge Judy, regardless of the case it...

Barry bonds

Did you hear about Barry bonds record breaking home run ball, is going to be let up to the public to decide if it should go into the hall or fame or burned.  A website is taking votes to see what should be happened to the ball.   did Barry bonds ex personal trainer...

Michael Moore is Fat

Michael Moore what’s going on you have a movie about health and insurance and you your self don’t take care of your own health, Point the finger tell the insurance companies are to blame, though what about yourself. Are you currently the poster boy for...