What Eggs to buy?

As you browse the egg isle at your local supermarket there is more to check for than just cracked eggs. Ever look at the many different labels and wonder what they mean and which one is the best? From battery cages to organic to pasteured eggs there are many options...

Something Smells Fishy!

By fishy I don’t mean suspicious but I do mean the 8 0z of fish we should be eating a week. Fish and shellfish are full of omega-3 fatty acids that have numerous health benefits. Omega -3 Fatty acids are great for your heart and protecting against cardiovascular...

Avoid this Poisonous Type of Beverage…

Soda pop is a red flag to aging internally and externally quicker. I dare you to look at the ingredients of your soda the next time you pick one up and try to find any nutritional value to it. The large amounts of sugar, carbohydrates and other dangerous additives...

Did you have your Yogurt Today?

Yogurt is a recipe for health as it is full of live bacterial cultures ( lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria) that you should find on the ingredients of any yogurt you consume. This bacteria is extremely beneficial for your digestive and immune system. Yogurt is more than...

Farmers Market Lovers!

For all those who hate searching the produce bins at the grocery store for the best piece of fruit or vegetable, probably would prefer to buy it directly from the farms. This can be difficult for those who cant make it to the closest farmers market when they are open....

Cool Down with a Fruit Smoothie!

With summer quickly approaching it is nice to cool down with a healthy cool snack. Smoothies are great because you can use any fresh fruit you enjoy and put it all into a blender and its ready in seconds! Try one of my favorite recipes! Apricot Pineapple Smoothie...